Professional care

Modern & optimal solution

Caring for a loved one when they are sick is always important, especially when they are hospitalized or need special care at home. However, not everyone has the knowledge, skills and time to perform this role well. Common obstacles

Lack of experience

Lack of time

Psychological instability

Long recovery time

Anyone can take care of you, but for professional care, let Hio's Nurses help you solve the following problems.

  • Lack of experience

    Caring for patients requires certain knowledge and skills, from monitoring health conditions, changing bandages, giving medication to assisting with personal hygiene. Lack of experience can lead to mistakes that affect the patient's health.

  • Lack of time

    Caring for a sick person takes up a lot of time, especially in severe cases. This puts a lot of pressure on family members, especially those with jobs and personal lives.

  • Psychological instability

    Seeing a loved one sick makes family members worried, insecure, even exhausted, affecting the main source of income in the family.

  • Long recovery time

    Patients who do not receive professional care will have to endure prolonged pain, slow recovery, mental fatigue, and negative long-term health effects.


Professional nursing care

Services to support older people with specific health problems or who need close medical supervision and daily/periodic health care to recover. Activities include:

Book an appointment & experience Professional care

Register now to find the most suitable care service for your loved ones and family. Hio's consultants will contact you for a 1:1 consultation within 30 minutes.

Hio hospitals have extensive experience in care

Hio is proud to have extensive experience in caring for the elderly in large and prestigious hospitals. A team of professional, dedicated nurses with degrees & practice certificates, bringing peace of mind.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Caregiver

Reduce pressure

Hiring a professional caregiver helps families reduce the burden of time, effort and psychology. Families can focus on work and personal life, while spending time visiting and encouraging the patient.

Highly specialized

Professional caregivers are well-trained, experienced and skilled in caring for patients. They can monitor health conditions, perform basic medical procedures, assist with rehabilitation and ensure patients receive the best care.

Comprehensive care

Professional caregivers can provide comprehensive care for patients, including: Nutritional care, mobility support, personal hygiene, regular status updates and communication with family members.

Hio commitment

Top quality care

Professional Nursing

100% Nurse with degree, practice certificate. You have the right to request information check before starting care schedule.

Absolute security

Hio respects customer privacy, commits to keeping all information secure & only sharing with family members.

Money Back Guarantee

When you are not satisfied with Hio's customer service. In addition, Hio also provides full invoice information and payment documents as requested by you.

Hio care companion

Investing in the health of your grandparents and parents is not only an obligation but also a demonstration of your deep love and gratitude for them.

Let Hio help you make this commitment. It's not just an investment in your health, but also an investment in the happiness and future of your entire family. Contact Hio for a 1:1 consultation with a specialist.